Monday, January 3, 2011

A New way to do resolutions

So, I’ve been reading message boards last week, and have realized that this is the time of the year where we try to reset ourselves. In this week we make promises to ourselves and others- to lose weight, get out of debt, and just generally be better people. But I’ve been reading for my professional development that this mindset goes directly against human nature, and this is why so many resolutions fail. We don’t generally do well with long term commitments to something. As people, we like to see success that we can measure- we like small wins. So here’s what I’m proposing, that for the next year, I want to live a little more bravely. I don’t think I’m going to do anything huge, but I think I’m going to be a little more adventurous one little nugget at a time. I want to try new things. Maybe even do something things that have scared me in the past.  Here is my "so far" list:  

  1. Cook a curry dish that does not suck
  2. Do the couch to 5k again
  3. Read 6 books that are “just for fun” (1/6)
  4. Learn to make my own pie crust – that isn’t tough or chewy
  5. Cook pad thai
  6. Knit 5 items to donate (0/5)
  7. Try a new bread recipe
  8. Host a dinner party with at least 5 attendees
  9. Lose 10 lbs
  10. Go to bed before 11 for three weeks straight
  11. Learn to eat pomegranate
  12. Give up soda for a month
  13. knit something that requires colorwork
  14. bake a lava cake
  15. Find 15 new recipes to mix in to “the usual rotation” (0/15)
  16. add 100 new squares to my sock blanket (5/100)
  17. Watch all 100 of the American Film Institute's 100 greatest movies of all time (1/100)
  18. Send 20 letters (0/20)
  19. Complete my "facebook 5" surprise projects
  20. Use mouthwash every night for 3 weeks straight
  21. Blog at least 24 times. (3/24)
  22. Visit a state I've never been to before. 
  23. Deep clean the flat at least 6 times- this should include mopping and washing the covers on the furniture (1/6)
  24. Save up for a DSLR camera. ($300/$800)

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