I get defensive some days.
Some days, when people imply that my kids are dumb;
Some days when my administrator implies that there is nothing I can do to help some kids, that they are lost causes and I should stop thinking about him or her;
Some days when they hurt each other or themselves, I want to shake them and find a better way to explain to them how much value each of them has as people;
Some days its just a lot to stand up underneath and I get defensive.
I am not defensive that I am a good teacher. Some days I’m just barely teaching anything. Some days I’m not a very good teacher.
I’m not a great teacher, but let me show you how smart they are. Let me show you the amazing level to which my kids are able to talk about race and stereotypes in their lives.
Go ask my kids about civil rights.
Ask them about THEIR civil rights movement.
Go ask them what they want from the NEXT civil rights movement.
My kids are BRILLIANT.
No, not just the ones that passed my unit assessment. No, not just the ones that participate. Not just the ones that hand in their assignments. All of them. The things they say, the things they notice, the things they’re willing to put on the table. ALL of my kids are SO smart.
Some days they’re tired.
Some days they’re angry.
Some days I’m talking too fast and giving them too much.
But every day, at least once, they shock me with their brilliance.